Artículos escritos en nuestro blog por profesores nativos de idiomas

Y. Jade
Publicado por Y. Jade

To be or not to be...That is the question ;)

TO BE is the most important verb in English, especially for beginners. We use verb TO BE for so many different reasons. For example, we use it for name, age, nationality, emotions, professions, etc. The tricky part is, it probably is also the most irregular verb in our language. Let us give an example of it being used in simple present tense with positive and negative forms:  I am - I am not (I'm not) You are - You are not (You aren't) He/...
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Publicado por James

Should we use RP as a model to teach pronunciation?

How can we teach english pronunciation to the students? I think the answer to this question is somehow relative for it can neither be white nor black. If someone decides to learn a L2, English in that case, it is because they have some motives behind it. One of the possible reasons could be for communication purposes both with natives or non-natives. That means the learner wants to understand when either natives or non-natives use English for c...
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Publicado por James

Which are the difficulties in learning English for the Spanish-speakers?

Some of the difficulties encountered by the Spanish-speaking English learners From the pedagogical point of view, question formation in the English language poses a great challenge to Spanish speakers. Linguistically, this could be attributed to the first language (L1) grammar in the learner’s head, Spanish grammar in this case, which is totally different in structure from English grammar. As a language teacher, one should not remain indiffere...
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Publicado por James

How to teach a language properly? My experience

Experience I was born in Kenya (1976) and then I went to Italy (2004) to study and work, and shortly after I ended up in Spain (2008), for the same reason, where I live and work till today. As a Kenyan born I am fluent in both Kiswahili and English, the two official languages in Kenya, and for the second languages, I am equally fluent in Italian and Spanish as well. I would like to cite my experience in learning Italian back in Kenya (1999-2003)...
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Publicado por Iris

What's important the first day of class?

First of all you have to make sure to get to know your english students, their weaknesses and strenghts and if possible, to remember their names.I like to know about them,their hobbies, their I can fullfill them all. Once this is done, it's essential to establish the goals of the course, the way of evaluation as well as homework and necessary things to remember so everything's clear since the beginning. We cannot forget a...
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Publicado por Samuel

How I learnt Spanish and why you should do the same in English!

Let me start by saying that this is not the idiot's guide to language learning, but it definitely helped this idiot. I was useless at languages at school, I know this because my teachers told me and when school friends hear that I can speak Spanish they are so surprised... So, how did I do it? My simple rules. Total immersion  Don't be afraid to look stupid Practice  Ask for help Let's break these down a bit. Immerse yourself in th...
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Publicado por Ali

THE NEURO-COGNITIVE METHOD: From theory to Practice

The Neuro-cognitive Method is one of my best teaching and training methods. I have researched it in my Master's thesis, honed it over the many years of teaching english experience that I have. In this article, I am going to briefly outline the neurological principle lying behind the method, explain how the method works my the classroom environment while giving english tutoring classes (and outside), and give an example or two to ifllustrate the ...
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Leidy Johanna
Publicado por Leidy Johanna

¿Cómo mejorar mi nivel de inglés sin desfallecer en el proceso?

Muchas personas a menudo me preguntan como pueden mejorar su nivel de ingles con el fin de adquirir nuevas habildades dónde puedan impementarlas en su vida cotidiana ya sea en una conversacion completamente en el idioma o en la comprension lectora de algun tema en especifico, sin embargo el aprendizaje es un arte el cual se adquiere con el tiempo y con el acompañamiento de un profesor de inglés.   La práctica constante siempre es important...
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Publicado por Victoria

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una clase de idiomas en una academia y una clase de idiomas particular?

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una clase de idiomas en una academia y una clase de idiomas particular? Aquí te cuento las 5 más notables:    Compañeros: la mayor diferencia entre una academia y una clase particular es que en la academia tendrás compañeros de clase y en una particular a no ser que sea grupal, estarás tú solo con el profesor particular.  Precio: el precio suele ser más elevado en las clases particulares, y...
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Publicado por Kate

How Human Brains Analyze and Learn Languages

When you are born, first you do not speak to anyone. You spend a year or so just uttering separate sounds and words in imitation of the adults around. And then at some point, boom, you are communicating in sentences! Surprisingly enough, the sentences are relevant to the situation. You start using good grammar, like past tenses or passives, however complicated they might be in your mother tongue. People occasionally correct you but you are doin...
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Publicado por Michela

Pillole di grammatica curiosa: suo oppure proprio?

Non è cosí intuitivo utilizzare proprio al posto di suo. In effetti per uno straniero,le due cose coincidono. Il fatto e’ che quando un italiano scrive una frase, spontanemente utilizza proprio al posto di suo. Ma esistono regole? Possiamo dire che: Suo  è un aggettivo possessivo di terza persona singolare. Si usa quindi per indicare un possesso, una appartenenza come nei seguenti esempi: Il coniglio è di Luca (È il suo coniglio). Qu...
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Publicado por Jennifer

Teaching conditionals - Some tips for teachers

Check knowledge of irregular verbs  Your students need to know how to form past forms of irregular verbs before you can move onto the condionals.  Use Real Examples I've found that the best way of teaching grammar is giving examples, real life ones or personalized ones if possible. e.g. If Iñaki Williams hadn't scored a goal, Athletic wouldn't have won the match. (3rd Conditional) Use the Student's L1 Also highlight the differences be...
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Publicado por Jennifer

How can you teach informal and formal linkers in English?

Connectors are important to make a text hang together and to give speech sense. In a Cambridge exam, writing is marked on its cohesion. Teach informal vs formal connectors Example 1 (informal speech) I've just had an awful English class. I'm going to carry on going.  Which linker could you use to give the sentences more cohesion and sense? Answer: an informal contrast linker e.g. but I've just had an awful English class but I'm going to ca...
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Publicado por Jennifer

How do you teach general English to adult beginners?

Teaching English to adult beginners can be a challenging but rewarding process. I think the key is to take a communicative approach, making the main focus speaking and listening. They will normally have a high level of intrinsic motivation as they've chosen to study English and will probably enjoy the process. So keep it enjoyable for them, which will keep up the motivation levels. L1 - L2 Translation Research has shown that a learner's first l...
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