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Cecilia Avalos
Cecilia Avalos
Localidad Córdoba ciudad, Argüello, La Calera (Córdoba), Saldán, Villa Allende
verified Datos verificados time 5 años dando clase
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Córdoba ciudad
La Calera (Córdoba)
Villa Allende
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Español para extranjeros

Descripción del anuncio
I have experience as a Spanish for foreigners teacher, having worked during several years un various private institutes in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. I know what feels like not to understand a foreign language or being in cultural shock, since I was in Canada when I was very young and went through the experience of adquiring English as my own second language. One has to be brave to do such deed as making one´s brain to function in a new way, allowing it to name the world anew. I enjoy very much working with Spanish students and helping them to improve their Spanish skills in order to communicate better.
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